The Reynolds

The Reynolds

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Happy 18 Years!

Yes, yesterday was our 18th wedding anniversary. Sometimes it's hard to imagine that it has been that long since we were wed. The Lord has been so faithful and we have grown so much... we have grown together and grown in our relationship with Him. Thank you Lord for 18 wonderful years.

This was our 5th time to celebrate our annivesary here on the Campus, but only the first time that we weren't crazy-busy with mission teams, etc. Austin and Heather cooked and served us a delicious dinner, complete with candle-light, soft music and flowers on the table. Of course it was the romance food of all times - spaghetti!

We finished out our "date night" by watching the classic John Wayne movie, The Fighting Seebees with the kids. Not your idea of a date? Well, it was a wonderful evening for us.


Anonymous said...

Nice photos! Congrats on your wonderful 18 years...beautiful bride, you to Jamie, a movie star! Your children were awesome to give ya'll that treat...especially "Big John movie." They are good children, growing up fast.

susan0326 said...

Happy Anniversary y'all! I remember that day very well!