The Reynolds

The Reynolds

Monday, June 23, 2008

Out of the comfort zone

A lot of people know that my comfort zone has long included only those places I can go with my feet on terra firma. Yes, I have this thing with heights. I don't really like 'em. I know that many of the places you can go "up there" really are safe, but I just have this lack of balance thing going on when I can see lots of air between me and the ground. Needless to say, when Bill asked for the 3rd time out of four mission trips about painting the barn roof (which badly needed to be done), I was once again reluctant to pursue this goal. He was determined that it would be done, and since I was the only available help, I had to elect myself as his assistant.

Two days later the roof was painted and I was actually walking around on that roof with some degree of confidence. I have to admit though, that as much as I was pleased with how it looked, I was equally plased to have it over and done with, even though it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Isn't that how it is when the Lord asks us to do something that is outside our comfort zone? We are comfortable with out feet on the ground, but that's not how roofs get painted. What is he asking of you today? Go on... climb the ladder.

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