The Reynolds

The Reynolds

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

North Greenville U. Family Weekend

This past weekend we got to go down to North Greenville to visit with Austin during their "Family Weekend". We had a great time, and Rachael's parents even drive up for the festivities. Friday night was prime dinner followed by worship led by "Joyful Sound" and then some skits by ActII, both are BSU groups on campus. Saturday we had a great parent's session, brunch in the dining hall, visited a gun shop in Greenville that Austin had been wanting to check out, and even stopped by for a visit at the UpCountry History Museum (which was pretty kewl).

After that we went back to the Campus and played some pool in the student center, and then headed over to the stadium for our "Low Country Boil Supper" (shrimp, sausage, corn, potatoes, chicken, etc) and to watch the Crusaders play Wesley College. Grandpa wore his Methodist hat with his NGU t-shirt, but he behaved and we didn't get tossed out or anything. :-) Sunday morning we worshipped together on Campus and then Sunday dinner in the dining hall. It was a great weekend and very good to see Austin doing so well.

Before we headed back, we made a stop at Campbell's Covered Bridge, just a few miles from the Campus.  This is the only covered bridge left standing in South Carolina.  It was quite nice - cool in the shade and quiet stream flowing.  Nice ending to a nice weekend. 

Austin in the museum

One of several 'ministry' statues on Campus...Christ washing Peter's feet
Beautiful stained glass adorning the main entrance to the football stadium

Heather at the covered bridge

Austin coming to Sunday AM worship

Austin the 'pool shark'

The family after Sunday worship

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