The Reynolds

The Reynolds

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Mountain Heritage

As you may know, the first couple of years we were here, we hosted a Fall Festival here on Campus. Last year the team that was coming to help us do that (Ivy Creek Baptist - Buford, GA) could only come on the same weekend that the town of Whitesburg was having their Mountain Heritage Festival. Not wanting to try to compete with that, we decided to try having a booth at Mountain Heritage instead. We gave away popcorn and bottled water and had spin art and bead bracelets for the kids. We had a great time and said that we wanted to try it again.

Careful what you ask for! :-)

This year's booth was a HUGE success. Yes, we gave away bottled water and popcorn (about 4 times as much as last year), but we also had coloring books and crayons, free Bibles, spin art and... ta da! CRAZY HAIR! Yes, CRAZY HAIR! Now if you are like I was, and don't know what that is, I'll include a picture below. Basically it amounts to a crazy hairdoo made with everything from colored ribbons to hair-sprayed color to glitter to baloons to tiki umbrellas to... well, you get the idea. This was a huge success. The ladies from Ivy Creek were swamped from the moment they opened for hairdoo's each day until the festival closed that night. Folks were lined up and waited patiently so that they could sport their own personally and uniquely created "doo".

One of the ladies that works on the committe to organize the festival said she had never seen anything like it and begged Ivy Creek to come back next year! She said the Festival had the best atmsophere she had ever seen and said she felt it was because of the spirit and attitude of the folks in the Calvary Campus booth! I think we have a long running egagement in the works.

All of this was wonderful, but it was not the primary purpose we had the booth. All the give-away stuff was intended to help everyone have a good time - yes, but also to help get the word out about all the things that are going on at Calvary Campus and all the different ministry opportunities. We also took prayer requests and even had the opportunity to pray with folks right then and there. What a great weekend this was. Thanks so much to the folks from Ivy Creek and everyone else who helped make the Calvary Campus booth a success. Pray with us that the seeds that were planted through the Bibles given away, the coloring books, the prayer times, words of encouragement spoken and many other ways will reap a bountiful harvest in people's lives.

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