The Reynolds

The Reynolds

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Staring through the windshield

Rachael and I are back home now, after spending what felt like two whole days staring through the windshield. After we dropped the kids off in Spartanburg on Thursday, we drove 3 hours over to Knoxville. Some of you know Lonnie and Belinda Riley and their son, Brian. Brian was involved in a bad accident on Wednesday and was flown to UT Medical Center in Knoxville.
We arrived in Knoxville Thursday night too late to go by the hospital, but we spent the night and went by yesterday morning. Brian was doing amazingly well, depsite the seriousness of his injuries, and we got to spend some time with Lonnie and Belinda and their family. We then drove the 3 1/2 hours back to the Campus and it sure was good to be home. We have a few things to get done today, but it looks like we will have one relaxing day before we get back in the car to drive back to Spbg to pick up the kids.

Hope your Saturday is relaxing, too. Have a great day! :-)

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