The Reynolds

The Reynolds

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Chuggin' along...

It really HAS been almost a month since I have updated. For that I apologize. I did have my shoulder surgery on July 9th and was home that night and into therapy the next day. Dr. Visk got the bone spurs scraped out of the AC joint and found that there was actually no tearing or visible damage to the rotator cuff or any tendons or ligaments. PTL! He did find, however, that at some unknown point in the past (years ago), I had broken my collar bone and there were bone fragments floating around in there and he cleaned that out was well. I am doing fine, although I find myself wishing I was already 100% back to health and strength and endurance. Ha. The Lord has a sense of humor.

We are all doing great, continuing to enjoy some great mission teams and seeing the Lord do some pretty amazing things in and through them. Austin is down to just 23 days until time for us to move him into the dorm for freshman orientation at North Greenville University. He has met (over the phone) his roomate and he sounds like a really nice guy. Austin is certainly excited and looking forward to going off to school, but also has some first-time jitters. Heather is still enjoying seeing old friends on the mission teams and making new ones as well. Rachael is holding us all together with her superior juggling skills.

We hope this finds you doing well and making a difference in your neck of the woods.