Well, it's official. Thanks to our good friends Gil and Debbie, and Paul who made the journey from AL to KY, we actually made a very quick trip to Montgomery and back. We had not been down south since February, so we were a little past due. We had time for a short visit with family, visited with our home church Thorington Road Baptist (http://www.thoringtonroadbaptist.org/) on Sunday AM and our "second home church" Mountain View Baptist (http://www.mvbaptist.info/) on Sunday PM, Rachael had a yearly check-up and Jamie took in part of the Alabama Baptist Pastor's Conference and State Convention Annual Meeting.
The next thing we knew, we were on our way back to KY and it felt like we had just gotten there. If we missed seeing you, we are sorry, but as you can tell, it really was a "down and back" kind of trip. We hope to come back for a little longer visit in January or February and maybe we can see you then. Meanwhile, just know that the road between here and yon goes both ways and you are welcome to come see us as well. Call us and "we'll leave a light on for ya."